Sonntag, 31. Juli 2011

Surrealism made my day once again

Yesterday I made a visit to the exhibition "Le Surrealisme, c'est moi" at the Kunsthalle in Vienna. Art over boundaries of the everyday life with works from Salvador Dali, Louise Bourgeois, Glenn Brown, Markus Schinwald and Francesco Vezzoli.

I got inspired by those great peaces of art even if photograping was not allowed I took some pics while keeping an eye on the security guards.
7 rooms, 2 security guards and i felt a little bit like an agent. The result is a collage you can see above.

Thinking about how I could merchandise my art I saw Salvador Dali made merchandising/clothing in the 1940s. Later that day I saw this lady rocking her mhh kind of odd "queen of hearts" cardigan, I don´t know what to think about that... it´s kind of surreal

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